Cross-curricular topics

Harry Potter Name the Characters - Quiz / Game Sheet and Answers - Lesson Filler / Movies / Film
Quiz and answer sheet provided. Students will try to guess the names of each Harry Potter character.

The Queen's Jubilee Royal Charades Game. X24 Cards. Role Play/ Pictionary. Fun Class Game
Instructions: Cut out the cards below and place them into a hat. Get one person to pick a card from the hat and act out what is on the card. They can’t speak, make lip movements or point at objects in the room!

Queen's Platinum Jubilee 9X Games Bundle- Jubilee Party Games.
1 X Scattergories Game : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
1 X Finish That Phrase Game : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
1 X A - Z Game : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
1 X Word Creation Game : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
1 X This or That Game : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
1 X Royal Family Quiz : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
1 X Jubilee Charades : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
1 X Scavenger Hunt : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
1 X Royal Wordsearch : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.